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Video DashCam Capture with Artificial Intelligence (AI)

This is Video Telematics


How it Works


The evidence is overwhelming: Trucks and Commercial fleets are found to be at fault at a much lower rate than private car drivers when there is a road incident. Commercial fleet owners and drivers can protect themselves and save time & costs with the concrete evidence our Video Telematics with Artificial Intelligence technology provides. SensLynx combines the ease of use and simple form factor of a "dash and road-facing camera" with the added security, technology, and feature set of a more expensive mobile DVR.

Our Video AI Camera provider is a world leading designer, manufacturer, and supplier of in-vehicle cameras, recorders, and software. Their industry leading vehicle equipment and API access has produced exceptional results for clients and solutions which undeniably redefine the way vehicle risk is analyzed.

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  • Proven Reduction of Accident Frequency

  • Proven Reduction to Loss Ratios

  • Improved Driving Behavior, Increased Fuel Economy

  • Defend Against Driving Offense Allegations

  • Mitigation of Whiplash/Personal Injury Claims

  • Added Security & Theft Deterrent

  • Increased Speed of Claim Resolution

  • Possible Reduction in Insurance Premiums


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Road & In-Cab facing camera system

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Camera System with Fleet Tracking Device

Protect Your Investments, Save Money, & Reduce Liabilities

The most valuable assets to a fleet company are their drivers, their vehicles, and their cargo. SensLynx AI Camera system keeps an eye and ear on these assets while also recording crucial evidence from all important road events. Our system is designed to work together with our fleet tracking device to fit the exact needs of our customers. Not only do we provide a whole lineup of hardware solutions, but our software is configurable to your specific recording and data needs.

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